Got Glue II

As promised in “Got Glue?” I finished the black cherry bowl that sported a compromising crack across the base of the piece.  The wood moved a LOT while stabilizing for a week, requiring removing about 2-3mm at the rim to get it back in round.  Even then, the wood continued to move as I hollowed out the piece.  What didn’t move (thankfully), was the crack.Cherry-1725

The wood has a very nice grain pattern and the typical coloring Cherry-1724patterns found in the sapwood.  Even with the crack, it is a beautiful piece, simple in its shape and finish.  I’ll keep this as a demonstration piece.  One lesson learned: wait until the wood has moisture-stabilized before turning.Cherry-1723






To that end, Pile o Cherryhere’s the pile of cherry waxed and waiting.  As soon as I have a day without rain, I’ll get these halved and prepped for turning blanks.


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